Java Object Binary Serialization Metrics using ProtoBuf

August 9, 2014 . Comments
Tags: java Serialization protobuf


Serialization is a very big part of modern java applications. Mostly simplicity and readability scores over performance. If we have a standard format that is small enough and understandable by everyone we would hop on to pick up the winner.

In this blog i shall look at implementing classes from the serialization point of view and try to serialize and deserialize it and try to find the performance of the same using our friendly TimeLapseCounter. I will be using this serialization for the sake of replication, transaction logging and disk storage.

Serializing and DeSerializing java objects using Protobuf. Protobuf actually kicks java serialization's back when it comes to performance. I would like to decide that this would be my choice for my application. But it has its own limitations as protobuf does not have proper support for Maps and classes with templates or generics.

Some of the reasons why protobuf is extremely fast is listed below

I would say google has successfully written a code generator that works exactly like how we would write a externalize function to serialize and deserialize our objects.

I created a not so complex ComplexItemContainer schema in protobuf

package com.banyan.protobuf;

option java_package = "com.banyan.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "ComplexItemContainer";

message ComplexItemList
 repeated ComplexItem item = 1;

message ComplexItem
 required string name = 100;
 repeated string value = 101;
 optional int32 intvalue = 102;
 optional int64 longValue = 103;
 optional int64 doubleValue = 104;

The way protobuf implements the serialization is by maintaining a map of all the known types listed above for a class and serializing/deserializing the class based on the Map. Run the protoc command with the .proto file to generate the class file. You can download the protoc.exe file from here. In mac you will have to download the protobuf compile code run

./make install

to install probuf compiler. This is the command i used to generate java source from protoc compiler

protoc -I=d:\school\JMXCounters --java_out=d:\school\JMXCounters\src D:\school\JMXCounters\ComplexItemContainer.proto 

Below is the code i used for performing metrics calculation.

The actual byte size used for serialization in first pass is 120k. The algorithm i used above is very generic and has least amount of repetition of string or int values possible. My idea is to get the worst case performance for a object like this. My performance counters helped in getting the metrics below.

Protobuf Serialize Protobuf deSerialize

When I reduce the LOOPCOUNT to 1 and keep the data size to 100 bytes the time taken in serialization is less than 10 Us cannot get any better.

Ironically serialization is faster than deserialization. But i don't care about that as long as we are still in the low Us ranges as i am not using a powerful machine and we will have enough buffer for network unknowns. Java native serialization is 10x worse than protobuf so i will not show that and you can do your own metrics calculations.

To summarize only drawback is not having the support for Map and classes with generics support. if you know the datatype and class structure protobuf is the one for you. Due to this limitation i will have to look further for other serialization frameworks or implement my own the search continues.....

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