File upload using java servlet and Tomcat
August 9, 2014 . Comments
Tags: java, tomcat, JVM
As part of this blog we will look at how to upload and process a file using java Servlet API. I will not be using the Apache File-Upload API.
When defining your servlet determine a folder where you want the temporary file to be downloaded.
you can have the below MultipartConfig annotation as part of the Servlet class file like below.
@MultipartConfig(location="/tmp", fileSizeThreshold=-1L, maxFileSize=10*1024*1024, maxRequestSize=10*1024*1024)
public class FileUploaderServlet extends HttpServlet
or you can have it as a configuration as part of the web.xml file.
If we are developing a general purpose file up-loader using the configuration in web.xml is the recommended approach. There are default values for all of the above which unlimited for all parameters . In my example my threshold is greater than the max-file-size so everything is instantaneous and in memory.
We are giving a sledge hammer here and the user can provide a large enough file to block the network. I would prefer the file size to be a max of 10 MB which is close to 10% of a Gigabit network traffic for a second. Any amount more than that will have the potential to create issues when more users are trying to download or upload contents to a server which is already processing other requests and potentially bring the server to a crawl for a few seconds.
Now for the code part
The below are the steps performed
I had introduced a new set of items IBranch and DataBranch these are the basic building blocks of banyan which is built on top of the ArrayMap interface. Banyan uses a modified version of the above class to upload contents of a csv into the data store. Banyan also supports other formats like JSON but not through this example.
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